Rear Window

Alfred Hitchcock's episodes

Choose one of the two options for a grade: Elaborate with details    
50 point assignment: Due: after watching the film: 2 class days

Option 1.    Develop and write a sidebar story synopsis with one of the minor characters seen through the windows:

Option 2.   Create and write an alternative storyline synopsis with the main characters with an alternative ending. 


  1. Alternate Ending:
    *Jeff sees through window
    Tharwald’s mistress’s name is Janie McMullen. He often *talks with her on the phone. One day, Ms. Tharwald overhears their conversation, *gets angry, and tells him to stop coordinating with her. Afterward, the two have *one last phone call on a public payphone. (Janie finds out when he is gone at work). When Tharwald is at work on a Saturday, Janie pays Ms. Tharwald a visit. (Janie persuades Ms. Tharwald to leave the two alone, that Janie and Tharwald were “meant to be”).
    The two ladies start to *argue loudly. Since the window is open, they can be heard (but no one can make their exact words). Jeff gets distracted when the dog starts to bark at Ms. Lonelyheart and some guy. Later, when he refocuses on the Tharwalds’ window, the shades are pulled. *Mr. Tharwald walks into his room. Bawling and shouting is heard from the Tharwalds. Janie walks out. *At night, Mr. Tharwald walks out with his case many times (blood drips from case onto sculptor's white roses). Dog investigates bloodstained roses and is killed. *Mr. Tharwald was seen cleaning up bathtub.
    * Lisa investigates into the roses. Janie walks up behind her (her intention was to beg for forgiveness from Tharwald) and sees Lisa looking up and pointing to the roses. Jeff flashes light at the last minute and Lisa is knocked out. Mr. Tharwald sees light and walks up to Jeff. Stella goes looking for something to defend the two, when Tharwald walks in. Tharwald beating Jeff on head, when Stella comes up behind him and shoots him in both legs and calls the police.
    The police comes. Tharwald and Janie confess: Janie had suffocated Ms. Tharwald with a pillow after the argument. Tharwald cut her and distributed her in various places. Stella basically saved Lisa and Jeff, Jeff started it all, and Lisa investigating into the roses was the turning point.

  2. The couple that slept out on the fire escape were an ordinary couple; at least to everybody else in the area. They were actually alien tracker, waking up in the dead of the night, pulling out the equipment so cleverly hidden in their bed. Jeffries could never see them doing research because they had a ray gun to make people fall asleep. They also have a miniature Amnesinator (given by Heinz Doofenshmirtz) to make anybody forget what they had just seen. One time Jeffries had actuallly seen them searching for aliens, but was shot by the Amnesinator and forgot everything he saw. Mrs. Thorwald had also seen the couple outside, looking for aliens.. However, the couple didn't see her and she remembered everything she saw. She went back to her husband and told him strange stories of their neighbors looking for aliens. This went on for a few days. Finally, he got so annoyed, he killed her, wanting to stop the idiotic stories of aliens.

    1. Papa Fred (before i was lynn)April 17, 2012 at 11:58 AM

      very sci-fi :) nice...

    2. awesome story
      very science fiction like
      no one would have guessed that is why he killed her

  3. Alternate ending: Ms. lonely hearts killed Mrs.Thorwald because she was jealous of her because she liked Mr.Thorwald and throughout the whole movie Mr.Thorwald was trying to find her. Ms.Lonely hearts thought that Mr.Thorwald was getting close and that's why she was trying to kill herself with the sleeping pills, but Mr.Thorwald suspected Jeff and that's why he tried to choke Jeff. Mr.Thorwald is sent to jail for attempted murder and Ms.lonely hearts is never found out.

    1. Why doesn't Miss Lonelyhearts go to jail? She SHOULD! But otherwise, great story :D

  4. It was early Sunday morning; Miss Torso had just woken up from her sleep. As she got ready for her morning exercise while eating her breakfast, she saw the dog that usually digs in the flower bed. She found it odd because the dog would always dig in the flower bed every meal time of every day. She thought to herself that she probably woke up too early or late. She went along without another thought. Once she was done with her morning routine, she headed out to meet her sister at her house to go to church. Miss Torso did not have a ballerina performance that day.
    It was around four o’clock when she got to her apartment with a guy name Steve. Steve was her most recent boyfriend; they have been dating for the past week. It was time for the dog to go dig in the flower bed.Miss Torso noticed that the dog was not digging in the flower bed. She decided herself to go see why the dog digs since the dog was not there. She had Steve bring down the shovel and started to dig in the flower bed. Then Mr. Thorwald noticed them digging in the flower bed, but did not make a move toward them even though they were destroying the garden. Jeff as usual was watching people from his window and of course he noticed them. Thorwald was on the telephone making a call to someone in town. Steve was digging and then he found something. Miss Torso passed out from the shock of what was in the garden. Jeff noticed everything. Next thing you know, the policemen had shown up and arrested Miss Torso and Steve and the area was completely under search by the detectives and police.

    1. Papa Fred (before i was lynn)April 17, 2012 at 11:59 AM

      what happened???? what happened?!?!?!?!

    2. its a mystery....I could answer but just give me some time to crank out the details....and just for the teacher's purpose, this is Chloe Nguyen. :)I don't know why it says unknown.

      kill the suspense
      why did steve and ms torso get arrested

    4. ok ok i'll explain XD. So basically when Mr. Thorwald was on the phone, he was calling the police because Steve and Miss Torso were digging into HIS property(the flower bed). They got arrested for that and the fact that there was the body Mrs. Thorwald and Miss Lonelyhearts piled on top of each other in the flower bed. The police thought that it was Steve and Miss Torso who had kiled the ladies, since they were just casually digging in the flower bed.The person who killed those two ladies will be remained a secret, but just a heads up it was Mr. Thorwald. Once he saw his wife's dead body and had some very bold words to say and a lot of tears. hehehhe:)

  5. Rear Window Alternate Ending Synopsis

    In the end, Ms. Lonelyheart and Mr. Thorwald were both murderers. She and Mr. Thorwald
    conspired against Mrs. Thorwald. Ms. Lonelyheart, driven mad with loneliness, talked Mr.
    Thorwald into helping her murder his wife. He would then be available for Ms. Lonelyheart to
    become his wife and be lonely no longer. Mr. Thorwald, in turn, would be able to sell his wares
    without his wife getting in the way. Ms. Lonelyheart was the mastermind, and Thorwald the
    henchman. Ms. Lonelyheart had Mr. Thorwald over-dose Mrs. Thorwald with drugs, causing
    her to go into a coma. It was then easy to slide Mrs. Thorwald into the bathtub where they
    killed her and cut her remains into pieces so they could easily be concealed. Thereafter, Ms.
    Lonelyheart sent Mrs. Thorwald’s clothes to a friend. She decided to leave Mrs. Thorwald’s
    jewelry for later.

    Ms. Lonelyheart then complemented Mr. Thorwald on his flower garden and how pretty and
    perfectly trimmed it was. When the dog was messing up the bushes and flowers in the garden,
    Mr. Thorwald was annoyed. He stupidly throttled the dog and killed it. Ms. Lonelyheart never
    knew about it until the neighbor screamed. Ms. Lonelyheart bought a train ticket for “Mrs.
    Thorwald” and gave the ticket a friend who would use the name Mrs. Thorwald on the train
    ride. Ms. Lonelyheart then planned to have Mr. Thorwald move in with her. Mr. Thorwald
    packed all his belongings and planned to move in with her when he was caught.

    When Mr. Thorwald was caught and started talking, he blamed Ms. Lonelyheart. He talked
    about how Ms. Lonelyheart had told him what to do and was going to marry him. Ms.
    Lonelyheart was then promptly arrested, and both were incarcerated for the crime. Ms.
    Lonelyheart was destined to remain lonely.

    1. why does evryone have ms lonelyheart killing ms thorwald. i shouldnt be speaking though, because i did her too.

    2. Ms.Lonelyheart isn't that desperate for love, is she??? Idk anymore, there are such crazy people in the world... Like allie

  6. Jeff falls down and is severely injured and is taken to the hospital. Grace and the nurse left to go to the hospital to check on him. The police interview Mr.Thorwald and he said that he was forced to kill his wife. The man that made him kill her was hooded and wasn't identified. The interview continue and he needed to kill any one that find out or he will kill his whole family. Mr.Thorwald was still sent to jail for murder and attempted murder. The mysterious man was never found.

    1. who is the mysterious man??

    2. The mysterious man must have been Mr.T....

  7. The songwriter that is always partying at his place seems like any other young man of his generation,he either goes to parties or hosts them at his place. But behind the scenes, he has a much more interesting life. He has actually been to every part of the world, including the past and the future. Where he gets his inspiration is a question to the residents of the area, but those songs aren't actually that original. He has met many famous composers of the past, and how does he do it? His shower is actually a time machine, and he uses it to go to the past and the future to steal great musician's music and publish them for himself and reap the rewards

    1. time travel??? so now he is doctor who??
      but i like the idea. you are one of the few people who didnt do ms. lonelyherats
      btw, what happened to shivams alien idea??

  8. In this story of mystery, a woman nicknamed "Ms. Lonelyhearts" has a hidden story that no one knows about. People have been blaming Mr. Tharwald for the murder of Ms. Tharwald. But there is one person that no one has suspected. It is the perfect murder that one could get away with unless you look deeper into the mystery to find the things that add up against the person.

  9. Known information:
    -Thordwald has left his apartment.
    -Lisa is at his apartment.
    -The dog has died.
    -Mrs. Thorwald is missing.
    Scene:Lisa is snooping in Mr. Thorwald's apartment.

    Story: Lisa discovers a letter that Mrs.Thorwaldhas supposedly written to Mr. Thordwald saying that she has left him for another man. Jeff sees Mr. Thorwald proposing to Ms. Lonelyheart. She accepts, and they made their way to Mr. Thorwalds apartment. They both discovered Lisa, who gives away Jeff's location by waving the letter. Thorwald stays with Lisa and gags her, while Ms. Lonelyheart goes to Jeff's apartment. Jeff suspects something fishy, and calls Mr. Thorwald. Ms. Lonelyheart enters Jeff's apartment, and pleads Jeff not to tell Mr. Thorwald what she has done, assuming he has already found out. She then explains that she loved Mr. Thorwald, and wrote him and his wife a letter saying that their spouses have left them for another person. She says she believes Ms. Thorwald left for her sister. She then pleads him again. He then retorts her that it is too late, because Mr. Thorwald had been listening to her narraration via phone, and holds up the reciever. He also admits he knew nothing of this and smiles. In rage, Ms. Lonelyheart throws him over the balcony and Lisa calls the police and ambulance. The movie ends with the Thorwalds reuniting, Ms. Lonelyheart moving, and Lisa marrying Jeff, whose legs are now both broken. Lisa wonders how the dog died, since it is the only issue unresolved. Stella reveals that she asked the owner, and it had died from falling off the basket, after all.

  10. Sarah Yun and Zoe LovelaceApril 17, 2012 at 11:34 AM

    My human lowers me to the ground in a basket. I run to smell some flowers. They smell like bones. I like bones. I dig in the flowers. When I finish digging, I see a lot of bones. I smell a lot of blood. I don’t like blood. The bones make me feel good. I want to eat the bones. I start to bring the bones out of the ground when I see a male human pick me up. I lick his face. He holds my neck and squeezes. I feel faint and I feel myself go to sleep.
    When I finally open my eyes, I see a lot of white light. My eyes slowly adjust to the light and I see a golden gate. It looks very shiny. I like shiny things. The gates slowly open and I walk in. I see a lot of squirrels, bones, fire hydrants, treats, and lots and lots of other dogs. I have never seen so many dogs before. I feel very happy.
    After a while of eating, playing, and just running around, I see a well. I am thirsty so I go over to it. I am about to drink from it when i see my human in the water. I feel confused. I see her crying. I feel sad. I do not feel like playing anymore. I sit down and feel sad. After a while, I see a human walking toward me. He is the only person in this whole place. He tells me his name is Jesus. I think Jesus is a funny name. He gives me some treats and tells me that she will feel better knowing I am in heaven. I ask what heaven is. He tells me that it is the place I am in right now. I finally feel better. I look in the well again. I see my person smiling. I am happy now.

    1. Papa Fred (before i was lynn)April 17, 2012 at 12:00 PM

      awww.... sad and adorable

    2. i love how you did it in the dogs form.

    3. but sad...
      adorable:).. but sad :'(

  11. Alice has always been desperate for a man in her life. Shes lonely, ok looking, and middle aged.One day, she had a one in a lifetime date. The man expected more than she had planned, and the date did not go od. She immediately got mad, and threw the man out of her window, and made sure she would never see him again. She looked out the window and saw Ms. Thorwald and Mr. Thorwald having a happy time together, and immediately felt a strong jealousy for Ms. Thornwald. In her head she was coming up with a plan with a way to get rid of Ms. Thornwald so that her and Mr.Thorwald could be together. Ms. Thorwald looked up from her time with Mr. Thorwald, and saw Alice looking through the window, she throws a smile at Alice as she closes the shades. Alice gives Ms. Thornwald a fake smile and grimaces as soon as Ms. Thorwald looks away. Alice thought of how lucky Ms.Thorwald was because she had a husband and it made her mad. Mr.Thorwald just left the building and got into the Taxi with his belongings. A week after Alice got the perfect chance, Mr. Thorwald left for a two day business trip. She decided to do it when Mr.Thorwald wasn’t home so that she could easily lure her into her home.
    Once Ms.Thorwald was gone she was set on going in for the kill. She headed to their apartment. She went up to their apartment and told Ms. Thorwald that her dog was very sick. Ms. Thorwald was known for her passion of dogs, so she immediately went into Alice’s room, and offered to help with the dog. Ms. Thorwald looked around but didn’t see the dog so she asked Alice where it was. As soon as she turned around Alice knocked her out with a crowbar. Ms. Thorwald was hidden in Alice’s closet and was not heard of. Alice told Mr. Thorwald when he came home, that she was visiting her mother in France. After a good amount of time, Mr. Torwald got quite suspicious, and reported Alice to the police. The police searched Alice’s room, and found Ms. Thorwald in her closet. Alice was arrested, and sentenced to prison for a good amount of time.

    by Alice Li and Kayla Houston

    1. like the interesting twist.. sorry Alice

    2. like the retake of the plot.. makes it interesting... hows jail alice??

  12. Sarah Yun and Zoe LovelaceApril 17, 2012 at 11:43 AM

    My human lowers me to the ground in a basket. I run to smell some flowers. They smell like bones. I like bones. I dig in the flowers. When I finish digging, I see a lot of bones. I smell a lot of blood. I don’t like blood. The bones make me feel good. I want to eat the bones. I start to bring the bones out of the ground when I see a male human pick me up. I lick his face. He holds my neck and squeezes. I feel faint and I feel myself go to sleep.
    When I finally open my eyes, I see a lot of white light. My eyes slowly adjust to the light and I see a golden gate. It looks very shiny. I like shiny things. The gates slowly open and I walk in. I see a lot of squirrels, bones, fire hydrants, treats, and lots and lots of other dogs. I have never seen so many dogs before. I feel very happy.
    After a while of eating, playing, and just running around, I see a well. I am thirsty so I go over to it. I am about to drink from it when i see my human in the water. I feel confused. I see her crying. I feel sad. I do not feel like playing anymore. I sit down and feel sad. After a while, I see a human walking toward me. He is the only person in this whole place. He tells me his name is Jesus. I think Jesus is a funny name. He gives me some treats and tells me that she will feel better knowing I am in heaven. I ask what heaven is. He tells me that it is the place I am in right now. I finally feel better. I look in the well again. I see my person smiling. I am happy now.

    1. confusing but really good. i like how you bring out the dogs role and give it a voice

  13. Dangerous Affairs
    This movie shows a compelling of story of a lonely woman named Ms. Lonelyheart. She was once a married woman until her husband Mr. Smith dumps her for another woman to whom he has been having an affair with while he was married to Ms. Lonelyheart.Mr Smith and his mistress, Ms. Cheat end up getting married and 1 year later. The man in Ms.Lonelyheart’s apartment was Ms.Lonelyheart’s ex-husband wanting to get back with her, but at the point of time Ms.Lonelyheart couldn’t forgive him right away. They were arguing in Ms.Lonelyheart’s apartment a day before Mr. Smith was killed. Mr. Smith dies of a knife right through the heart. Everyone says that it was Ms. Lonelyheart who committed the murder. In the movie,She was bitter towards her ex - husband and all evidence points to her but the case takes an unexpected turn and everyone is left guessing. Who did it? This mysterious love triangle keeps you guessing til the last minute of the movie. Was it the bitter ex - wife who killed Mr. Smith or perhaps someone we simply overlooked and didn’t take a second glance. Who knows it could even be ...
    -Estelle Ndukwe and Susan Yu

    1. I love your inquiring remix of the plot

    2. Wow its a very interesting plot. It keep me wondering about how the story would end.

    3. <3 love the suspense. interesting retake on the plot

  14. Tuba Shiwani(; and Ariana Maleki(;April 17, 2012 at 11:43 AM

    Rear Window

    Mrs. Thorwald is a rich woman and is unmarried. Mr. Thorwald marries her for her money because she is super rich and he came from a really poor family. She works as a good wife for him and falls in love with him, thinking that he truly loves her. He doesn’t really love her, and he was just eating off her money. He finally divorces her and she leaves him with a suitcase of her clothes packed in a rush. She accidentally forgets her jewelry and her important priceless items. Approximately, a month later, Thorwald sells her jewelry and marries a young unmarried woman named Miss Lonelyhearts. About three years later, he uses the money to move into a mansion with Lonelyhearts bought from his ex-wife’s money. Before he moved into the mansion, his ex-wife returns to the apartment, and tries to take her jewelry and priceless items. He reveals to her that he sold them all to the jeweler to buy a mansion for his current wife. They then have an argument, in which Mrs. Thorwald accidentally chops his head off with a humongous knife. Lisa goes to check what has happened, and finds no one at the house. She tells Jeff that she had seen Mrs. Thorwald and her ex-husband a while ago, and now everything is a mess. Jeff decides to then marry Mrs. Thorwald, in order to find out about Mr. Thorwald’s murder. Lisa agrees with this, since it is for important murder cases. After they get married, Jeff demands more information of the story between Mr. Thorwald and her. Since she doesn’t admit it, he secretly works on a case with Lisa to found out where Mr.Thorwald’s body is stashed and stored. They both find it in Mrs.Thorwald’s garden. They report it to the police and give evidence that it was Mrs. Thorwald who murdered him. On the other hand, Mrs. Thorwald finds out that Lisa and Jeff were on a case to find out who murdered her ex-husband. Jeff then divorces her, since she goes to jail for an approximation of 2 years. He then marries Lisa and moves away with her to a safer place and home.
    - By Ariana Maleki(; and Tuba Shiwani(;

    1. nice story. but 1 thing:
      but good story

  15. Ms. Lonelyhearts is a very nice lady living on the first floor of the Thorwald’s building. She has always been a very lonely lady after the death of her boyfriend in high school. She had tried to find somebody else for many years but something always goes wrong. After each person she meets, she becomes depressed and gets suicidal thoughts and usually attempts suicide by taking a large amount of sleeping pills.
    After her last date with a fine young man, she locks herself in her apartment and continues her desire for falling off the face of the earth. But suddenly, the composer from the third floor of the building knocks at her door to deliver mistaken mail. This was their first meeting. The composer said he was sorry for stopping by late at night and asked what she was doing. Ms. Lonelyhearts confessed her depression and her suicidal thoughts. The following day, the composer swung by and asked to hang out with Ms. Lonelyhearts. The two soon became good friends.
    On a rainy night, the composer was locking his door and heard some whimpering coming from outside. The whimpering was coming from a dog that was in the garden. It was being tortured to death by Mr. Thorwald and in the flowerbed appeared disturbed. The composer tried to save the dog; but instead, only irritated Mr. Thorwald. Mr. Thorwald is now aware that this person saw everything and he had to kill him too.
    The next day, Ms. Lonelyheart walked into an empty third-floor apartment that belonged to the composer. She searched for the composer but he was nowhere to be found. She then went to Mr. Thorwald’s apartment. No one was home but the apartment was unlocked. She walked in and found a dead body of a dog and a dead body of a young man with a familiar face. It was the composer. Mr. Thorwald had killed the two bodies laying in his apartment. All of a sudden, the lights in the apartment began to flicker and the eyes of a wide man appeared in the dark.
    The next day, Mr. Thorwald moved out of the apartment, the composer, Ms. Lonelyhearts, and the dog were all missing.

    1. great story AINHOA!!!!

    2. nice suspense. what about his wife's dead body??

  16. It turns out that when Jeff gets Lisa and Stella interested in the murder. Jeff convinces them that Mr. Thorwald was the murderer. Lisa open handedly agreed that he was the murderer because secretly she killed Mrs. Thorwald. Lisa was jealous of Mrs. Thorwald because she was one of the people that Jeff stared at through his window. She wasn’t like the others; she really caught Jeff’s attention by giving Jeff some good images to look at. Although this had been going on for years, Lisa went crazy and killed Mrs. Thorwald. Mrs. Thorwald knew that Jeff’s was staring at her, but she kept it a secret from her husband. After Mr. Thorwald saw Jeff looking into the Thorwald apartment, trying to find Mrs. Thorwald who had been killed, he went straight to his apartment because he didn’t want anyone looking at his wife. When he got there he started to choke Jeff, but then Jeff shot him. Lisa came in and saw Thorwald dead. She told Jeff that she was leaving him. Jeff told her that he really didn’t want her, he just wanted kisses, with a clap of his hands, Jeff’s new “sexual object” came out of the closet and they started kissing passionately. Lisa stormed out of Jeff’s place crying and they never met again. After she left he said, “You know I never gave a damn about you honey.”

    1. a bit like rhett butler... last line especially

  17. Rear Window Story
    By Xavier Elkhadem and Allie Ruiz

    The Story of Allie Torso the Dancing Lady

    Ever since the dawn of time, Allie has been searching for the man she can classify as “perfect”. She has met several men, none of which treated her right and made her feel special. All of that was about to change in a single trip to the grocery store.
    Banana Hill Grocer was Allie’s favorite grocery store. She went every time she needed groceries. She was particularly fond of their bananas. She had never tasted a banana any sweeter. As she was reaching for a banana that looked delicious, her hand met with that of a man. She looked into his ocean blue eyes that seemed so welcoming, and couldn’t help but blush.
    “Hello, my name is William Johnson. I have observed that you too are a fan of bananas. Your taste are quite refined my lady.”
    “Why thank you sir, my name is Allie Torso. Do you come here often?”
    “No, this is my first time, and it’s quite a stroke of luck to meet to such a fine lady like yourself.”
    “It’s nice to meet you too! Now if you will please excuse me, I must hurry home.”
    “Very well, it was nice to meet you; I hope to see you again soon.”
    She ran home giggling like a little girl thinking about him. She stayed up late that night trying to get her mind off his sweet blue eyes. “What a nice man,” She thought to herself.
    When she almost fell asleep, she heard a piercing scream. Being that she is a very curious, she decided to find out who was making that horrible noise. While walking she bumped into a mysterious looking man holding a saw and a brief case. He then pushed her to the ground. She thought that this was the end.
    In a last attempt to live she shouted, “William! William! Please save me!!!!”
    “Allie I’m coming.”
    She knew whose voice that was. It was Williams. At the sound of quickly approaching footsteps, the other man quickly fled. William then embraced Allie and told her everything was going to be fine.


    Sequel: What happens to Allie and William next?????

